In May, after Laura graduates, we are taking a trip to California. We are flying into LAX and driving a loop up the coast to Monterey, over to Yosemite, and back down to 29 Palms (where my brother is stationed). Every time I turn on the news I feel very blessed to be able to take such a trip, for pure pleasure, while there is such struggle going on in the world (and in our own country). If anyone has any tips on said route let us know.
Make sure you read up on your Steinbeck and visit some cool places in his hometown of Salinas! (I'm sure you already knew this).
Yep. Laura and I are looking forward to visiting Salinas for that very reason. We will probably venture up the valley a little to take in a little East of Eden. You can tour Steinbeck’s house but we don’t know if it will be open on the days we will be in the area.
You should visit Carmel, if for no other reason than that is where Clint Eastwood lives (and was once Mayor).
I'm planning on flying out to Santa Barbara sometime in May, probably the weekend of the 15th. And while it would be unbearably silly to go all the way to the west coast just to hang out with you and Laura, if the dates line up maybe we could grab a meal together and you'd get a chance to meet David.
Either way, have fun and take plenty of pictures so we can all live vicariously through you!
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