In other news, the Texas primaries are today, so the only acceptable excuses for you not voting would be:
-you don’t live in Texas
-you don’t have a clue about anyone who is running (acceptable might be a misclassification)
-you are extremely busy with work and don’t know where your voter’s registration card is…
All I can say is...
I only have 3 things to say to you Jacob.
1.) Global warming is a fairy tale - just like other "so called" sciences. (Ex. Desmond's time traveling powers, evolution, gravity, and possibly the world being spherical.)
2.) Reason #4 - Viewing "not voting" as a way to peacefully and intentionally subvert the state. Can't forget about those Amish blog readers of yours!
3.) The Decemberists cd has grown on me. It's actually quite good, especially the track titled, "The Landlords Daughter."
Um, I have some things to say to you about Global need to be carful if you don't know what you're talking about.
I would like to formally register my jealousy over your snow. I haven't seen snow in so long...I miss it. :(
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