As a side note, if I draw a transformer for you, you get first dibs at naming it. If you don't want to provide a name then I am sure we can find somebody to provide one (cough*Kari*cough).
I like how out of all the transformers you have drawn for certain people, only me and corey have been decepticons.. well at least we have the tank on our side
*smiles innocently* Why, I have NO idea what you mean. Now if you'll excuse me, I feel a pressing need to research the etymology of beetle.
(So awesome; two inquiries into entomological etymology this week! :D)
I like how out of all the transformers you have drawn for certain people, only me and corey have been decepticons.. well at least we have the tank on our side
My siblings are the only ones cool enough to be Decepticons.
I was thinking it would turn out all cute and cuddley. Not the case :)
My brain hurts right now, so I will name it later
Go here if you want a cute and cuddley volkswagon transformer:
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