My absolute favorite transformers when I was a child were the Dinobots (no surprise really). They really didn’t fit into the whole “robots in disguise” concept but it didn’t (dosen’t) matter. So I am doing my own version of the rag tag group of prehistoric Autobots. It will take a few days though. Today just has them in their dinosaur modes. (@Kari- they come with names so no worries about researching cretaceous nomenclature, though if you want to I can't stop you)
A note to the IF crowd: I am drawing an original transformer every day this month, so I am trying to make the Friday ones line up with the IF theme. This week’s theme was a challenge to find an alt mode for but I think a copy machine works quite well. He is a Decepticon of course; as anyone who works with one of these infernal machine knows they are inherently evil.
Materialist’s Foundational Position
Biology is meant to Adapt or Perish. While an individual organism or ecosystem can be fragile, life as a whole thrives on change. Climate has shifted radically in the past; with the extinction of species, the continuation of life as a whole, and the opportunity for new species. While this latest climate shift is manmade, man is not above the natural world (nothing is) so it becomes a natural consequence, just like every other climate shift in history.
Materialist’s Actual Position
Man is responsible for the current change in climate. Since a radical change in climate will cause the destruction of species and some ecosystems, and because we cannot predict all the consequences of such a change; it is ultimately a bad thing. And because it is the result of our actions we are responsible for trying to stop it and mitigate its effects. (I don’t see this position to be entirely inconsistent, but rather it is consistent in a weaker way than the “foundational” position since it focuses on the fragility of life rather than the adaptability/resilience of life)
Christian’s Foundational Position
God created man to steward life on the Earth. Man therefore has been given power and responsibility over the created biological order. Man is theoretically responsible for the current change in climate. Since a radical change in climate will cause the destruction of species and some ecosystems, and because we cannot predict all the consequences of such a change; it is ultimately a bad thing. And because life has been entrusted to us (and the climate shift might be the result of our actions) we are responsible for trying to stop it and mitigate its effects.
Christian’s Actual Position
Since the Materialists are pushing an agenda of climate change, our position will obviously be opposed to it. Whether there is evidence out there or not, we will not look at it. Climate change is made up and not supported on scientific grounds (look it’s snowing). Oh and we forgot to mention that the measures that we need to take in order to reduce climate change are bad for business.
To be fair, none of these are realistic of the complexity of any individual’s actual views on the subject; I just thought that when reduced it was a nice example of how reactionary positions can lead to a denial of one’s original belief system foundations because the position of the opposition is not always entirely holistic itself. Put simply, reactionary positions tend to turn around and bite you in your philosophical ass.
So I randomly decided that during February I will sketch an original transformer every day. Fridays will be interesting as I will try an incorporate the IF theme into the transformer drawing. We’ll see if I make it the whole month.
If anyone has a car they wish me to transform e-mail me a picture of it. I am bad about naming things so if anyone comes up with any good names then leave suggestions in the comments.
To start off on a good foot, here is a ’69 mustang: