May 28, 2010
May 25, 2010
The Evil Cul-De-Sac
Some of the comments are just as interesting.
May 24, 2010
IF - Early

My IF this week requires a little explanation. It is based on a Doug Burr song about a Chief of police informing a young mother that her child tested positive for a gene only found in killers. The song throws a lot of questions out on the table centered around genetic moral determinism. It is actually a pretty sad but thankfully with the rest of the album, specifically “You’ve Been a Suspect All Your Life”, Burr ultimately refutes this genetic determinism as a diagnosis that is way too early in coming.
Go here to hear the song and read the lyrics.
May 21, 2010
House Updates
May 14, 2010
Moby Dick – Opera Style

Laura and I went to our first opera last night to see Moby Dick. It was a stellar production with a great cast and a fantastic set. Opera singing isn’t my medium of choice but I enjoyed every other aspect of the show, from the literary adaptation to the video projection. I couldn’t take any pictures during the show ( you can go here to see some photos and here as well) so you will have to settle with pictures of the building:
May 11, 2010
Hark, A Vagrant
A funny webcomic Laura found for me last week:
Anything that uses 19th century science fiction writers and the word "dirigible" will probably elicit a chuckle from me:

May 6, 2010
Sometimes Breaking the Rules – Dove Message 1
I am not a word person as most of you know but every now and then I can be irritated into verbally inclined creative outlets. Today I ate a Dove chocolate at work. On the inside of the foil wrapper there is written “promise messages” – usually just annoying, trite sayings – but the one today was so particularly ironic I had to do something with it. The message was “Sometimes breaking the rules is more fun”. What rules did Dove or Dove eaters ever break? So I just replaced “rules” and “fun” until I got four messages that I liked:

Like I said, unusually verbal of me but I liked the exercise so I plan on doing it again when I get another Dove message.