December 30, 2009
Why is Our Top Categorical Distinction for Literature Between Fiction and Non-Fiction?
The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet
December 29, 2009
December 24, 2009
December 23, 2009
Anaplastic oligodendroglioma
The lead pastor at our church recently had a brain tumor removed and will going through radiation and chemotherapy treatments beginning Dec 29th. He has asked for (and would greatly appreciate) prayer for the following:
-My doctors
-That God might glorify Himself in amazing ways through all of this
-The Village Church and our elders
-Complete healing
-Healthy appetite
-Protection from side effects of radiation
-Protection from side effects of chemotherapy
-Peace for my family...specifically my children and their salvation
December 21, 2009
Jacob Haynes Design dot com
My wife really outdid herself on my Christmas present this year, she made me a website. There are still some pages that will need be updated but as it stands it gives me a very nice online portfolio. Go have a look.
December 18, 2009
December 16, 2009
December 11, 2009
5 Favorite Books of 2009
I started keeping track of everything I have read in August or September and since my memory is horrible this list is really “5 favorite books of the latter half of 2009”.
A Place of My Own::Michael Pollan
Best architecture reading. Pollan, known more for his non-fiction on food, wrote this book describing the building of his writing retreat. He really delves into all that goes into making a building from architectural theories to sanding window sills.
American Gods::Neil Gaiman
Best Neil Gaiman. I read (or listen to) a lot of Gaiman this year so he gets his own category. Sandman was a close contender as was Stardust. The use of setting, finding all the unusual but forgotten places in America, was especially impressive for someone who was born across the pond.
Planetary::Warren Ellis
Best comic book series I read this year. About a group of “archeologists of the secret history of the twentieth century” whose job is to save the world by unearthing the weird stuff that normal people won’t acknowledge or comprehend. Great concept, great art, great characters. Runners up: Fables, Mouse Guard Winter , Persepolis, Maus, and Sandman.
Jungle Book::Rudyard Kipling
Best classic fiction. The story of Mowgli really shines when compared to the overly polished Disney rendition. The man/nature dichotomy is used to full effect as a twelve year old boy without fear or hesitation pwns Shere Kahn in the wolf council.
Life of Pi::Yann Mantel
December 4, 2009
IF - Crunchy
December 2, 2009
Suburb Stations