November 11, 2007


We’ve had a busy week and weekend around here.

Laura has been preparing for her panel over Auden on Tuesday.

I flew to Harlingen to set up the new Southwest boarding system.

I went to tour several modern houses this weekend.

I finished up my design for the Jars of Clay t-shirt competition.

I went and saw No Country for Old Men last night with Raghu, Adam, and David.

And afterwards we (with Laura in tow) went to a huge Indian celebration (Diwali) at Texas Stadium in which a giant 8 headed statue was set on fire and much weird food was eaten.


  1. How was No Country For Old Men? How did you like S. Texas? I loved it down there when I went...I like your design for the Jars of Clay t-shirt design is awesome!

  2. I also like the JOC t-shirt design Jacob. Well done!

  3. Hey Jacob -
    How was the home tour?
    Also, will your parents be going to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving?
    If I do go, I'd like to call to see if I can bring somthing.
    And, when I went to get the Jars of Clay Christmas CD, I also found a 2 disc greatest hits called
    The Essential Jars of Clay.
    (The title reminded me of Calvin and Hobbes.) Anyway, there's a song on there that I really like, that I had never heard before - This Road. Bye for now and take care! Grace

  4. Thanks guys for the complements on the design.

    Blake: I defiantly recommend No Country. We shall discuss it after you see it. I didn’t get to see much of Harlingen because we where there for such a short period, but I did get to see palm trees.

    Grace: The home tour was interesting. Every house was designed extremely well but it seem like the current trend is to make everything sleek and minimal and to hide all the details. Still, a couple of houses are in that urban reserve development that we talked about when you were up here and that little street is going to be amazing.

    I don’t think my parents will be coming and I’m sure you are welcome to bring something (if you know what you want to bring I’ll give Sut a call and tell her that we are bringing it).

    I really like that Jars song too, I think I have it on a random mix CD somewhere.
